Principals are the most important leaders in our school system. They set the tone for their schools and play the primary role in evaluating and developing our teachers. All principals, but especially the ones newest to our system, need guidance and support. Principals need more coaching to help them know better how to tackle the specific needs of their schools. We need to help them develop, mentor, and evaluate teachers so our teachers never stop improving.

An example of effective training is the work the CPS administrators have done with Richard Elmore. Principals must be given the opportunity to take it to the next level. The School Committee needs members who are committed to leadership.

Master Teachers
We must create new opportunities for our experienced teachers so they can share their expertise with other teachers. We want excellent teachers to come to Cambridge and stay here. Incentives and flexibility will help these master teachers formally mentor our new teachers.

New Administrative Internship Program
I also support the Administrative Internship Program which aims to tap our capable and dynamic staff and groom them for leadership positions of tomorrow. This program will help Cambridge attract high quality candidates who know that Cambridge is committed to their careers.

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